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Acr/Nema 2.0

The predecessor of DICOM 3.0. We check the format on the existence of three initial group 0x0008 tags and the "ACR-NEMA" signature. This prevents little implicit DICOM files being handled by our Acr/Nema reader.
scaling factors / quantitation:
Not specified. Quantified images converted to Acr/Nema will be rescaled to Int16 pixel types by default.
patient/slice orientations:
When writing an Acr/Nema file we do save some related DICOM tags as well.
extra notes:
- Our multi-slices Acr/Nema output files are based on a Papyrus format which comes down to separate Acr/Nema files being concatenated to each other. Because of this, dynamic (or gated) studies are not appropriate to convert to Acr/Nema since the time frame relations will get lost.
Format: Acr/Nema  
Color Mapgrayscale-
File Endianlittle & big-
Pixel Typesall intergers (signed/unsigned)float & double
Scaling Factorsquantify & calibrate factors / image are NOT supported
Dimensions / Imagedifferent dimensions for each image are supported
Pixel Types / Imagedifferent pixeltypes for each image are supported

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